Tuesday, January 18, 2011

and now for something different: 30 pics/posts in 30 days

A new friend is doing this on her blog, and I've had other friends do "365"s - I need a smaller time commitment with some built in boundaries (I'm less creative with a blank page than with an assignment of sorts) and so I thought, "why not?.". So here we go...

1. A picture of yourself and 15 facts

1.This photo is the first one taken with my new camera. It's the first one I've had that's been all mine since I had a 110 film camera when I was about 8 or 9. The last one I shared with my ex-husband and it was more "his" than mine - it was big and bulky and expensive and I hated carrying it around. This one is tiny, easy to use, and takes great, effortless (almost) shots. We've already had great times together, and a not so great time when a friend dropped it, leaving me camera-less again for a few weeks. Glad I have this series to keep me motivated to use it every day.

2. I have a streak of absentmindedness. I forget things at home I meant to bring to work with me, or forget to call someone when I meant to, etc. etc. My ex-husband thinks it's from all the second-hand pot-smoke I inhaled as a child.

3. I have a really hard time saying no to those I love, even when it's in my best interests to do so. Sometimes even when I haven't really been asked for anything. It means I am easily taken advantage of. It's something I've been working on (a lot) but still catches me sometimes. I appreciate so much the few friends I have who check me on it, even when they are asking the favor.

4. Right now, for the first time in a long time, ALL of my closest friends (save my boyfriend) are far away physically. I cannot remedy this, I do not wish to replace them with others who are near (though I am blessed with many dear friends who are near too), and I miss them so much.

5. The first career aspiration I had was to be a singer. I'm happy to say I am one, even if the extent of my performances are karaoke and musical theatre ensembles occasionally. I don't have the best voice in the world, but it's pretty nice and I feel good using it. In fact, I am never unhappy (even when I am) if I'm singing.

6. When in doubt of something to do, I cook.

7. I don't really keep up with the news or world events, and that's fine with me. I don't think I'm less interesting or intelligent because of it.

8. Even though I am not perfect and have made lots of mistakes, even done things I am totally not proud of, I am enraged at the hint of my integrity being questioned.

9. I am really really bad at video games. My hand eye coordination, especially my left hand in general, is below average. Even with lots of practice, I get to a mediocre level at best. Same with choreographed dancing. Yet, I can and do drive a stick shift.

10. I am not good at multi-tasking. I am very good at intense focus, so if I am in the middle of something, I CANNOT hear you.

11. I really like designing little brochures and fliers. I made a friend a little cookbooklet and I think it's one of the cutest things I ever made.

12. When I get into something, I'm really enthusiastic about it, for a while at least. Right now, it's etsy, thrift stores, this one kind of pickle, beer, and hula hooping. If I especially like a product or have a favorite flavor of something, it inevitably is discontinued or made ridiculously hard to get, like the pickles.

13. I used to hate purple. I've grown to love it, and even have a purple couch.

14. Speaking of couches, most of my furniture was given to me, inherited, or purchased used for very very little money. I love (almost) every piece in my home.

15. I am very seriously considering getting rid of my old tv. I use it so rarely and mainly watch stuff on my fancy new macbook pro anyway.


2. A picture of you and person you’ve been the closest with the longest

3. A picture of the cast of your favorite show

4. A picture of your night

5. A picture of your favorite memory

6. A picture of a person you’d love to trade places with for a day

7. A picture of most treasured item

8. A picture that makes you laugh

9. A picture of a person who has gotten you through the most

10. A picture of the person you do the most fucked up things with

11. A picture of something you hate

12. A picture of something you love

13. A picture of your favourite band or artist

14. A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without

15. A picture of something you want to do before you die

16. A picture of someone who inspires you

17. A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently

18. A picture of your biggest insecurity

19. A picture of you when you were little

20. A picture of somewhere you’d love to travel

21. A picture of something you wish you could forget

22. A picture of something you wish you were better at

23. A picture of your favorite book

24. A picture of something you wish you could change

25. A picture of your day

26. A picture of something that means a lot to you

27. A picture of yourself and a family member

28. A picture of something your afraid of

29. A picture that can always make you smile

30. A picture of someone you miss


Jessa said...

I'm glad you started! It's good to get the creative juices flowing. :)

Mills said...

The picture is phenomenal, though everyone can tell that it's not the FIRST picture, it's the third :P Of course the first two were probably blurry off-kilter pictures of the doorframe or some such. First good picture, I'm sure. I was already aware of or at least unsurprised by, all points except 4 and 13. When I was a teenager, purple was may favorite color, gradually to be replaced by green. And now the combination is my sigil, and I wear it on my neck.

Word verification: feltowne
pronounced: felt down

Anonymous said...

Wish I could see your cookbooklet, that sounds adorable! :)

I'm so happy you're going to do this project. I have always wished you'd write more because I've always loved your blog posts! Miss you, and am looking forward to all the upcoming posts. I know I'll enjoy them as much as I enjoyed this one! :)

Pallid said...

Manda, if you visit I'll show you, I have a copy!

Thanks Jessa, hopefully I can keep up!

Mills, of course you know most of that! Shows you pay attention, and are close to me!

It WAS the first picture, I SWEAR! Doc took it!

Anonymous said...

Oooh, goody! What a treat!

Also: never knew you hated purple. Now feel guilty about the purple picnic blanket present.

Pallid said...

Searching - HA! I loved it by then - I didn't like it in high school, but J changed my mind. :)

Anonymous said...

Sweet!!! :)

kristen said...

4. they miss you too :)

10. i don't think i realized this. duly noted.

12. i found ANOTHER place to get the pickles here! i can get you BOATLOADS of pickles! yay!

Pallid said...

Kristen - YAY indeed!

shannon said...

this makes me so happy.