Sunday, December 6, 2009

Resolution update

I love how when you make these lists, they seem to happen as if by magic. It isn't magic of course, but when I put down my New Year's resolutions in August, my intent was planted.

so here's an update:

1. Auditions - for Singin' in the Rain, Independence, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf: Well, I got into Singin', so I couldn't audition for Independence. I missed Virginia Woolf auditions, but I think the cast is great and it would have taken too much time from my souping. Singin' in the Rain was great fun, if exhausting. I learned some lessons from it too.

2. Work on some financial stuff - it's happening, alongside the other stuff.

3. Once weather cools, be the Soup Fairy - Stay tuned. Very soon, I will wave my soup wand all over this town.

4. Finally write the food blog and keep it up: Okay, I've not yet started, but it is in mind. I might do Examiner to hold myself accountable.

5. Help with hubby's next play: am helping, will be costumer. Cast is gelling, everyone is fun and gets along great!

6. Start Hypnotherapy program in March 2010: a little afraid I won't be able to afford it. pushing that thought out of my mind.

7. Throw some little parties with friends more often: done and doing.

so I guess i disagree with the whole "announcing plans makes one less likely to follow through" theory...