Wednesday, January 26, 2011

9. A picture of a person who has gotten you through the most

This was a hard photo to choose. I have many wonderful supportive people in my life. I rely on them when things are rough, and my dearest friends know I like to talk things through and lean on them. I can't choose one person to express how much appreciation I have for this to. No matter how wonderful they are, my friends, family, and partners cannot "get me through," anything, they can only help me find my way.


Anonymous said...

That is a very empowering post. I'm proud of you, Norma. :) *hugs*

Mills said...

best thing about your post is that the person is looking mighty smug about all the shit she's gotten you through.

Pallid said...

This is smug? I think it's just my "no teeth" smile, but if it's appropriate for the post, so be it!