Monday, October 22, 2007

The List

Now that I have amused you all (all 2 of you) with my teenage ramblings, let's get to why I'm really here. I'm imitating my friends who all have "blogs," ahem, Online Journals, and I want to be as cool as they are.

But the true reason is that I think writing simply clarifies thought. So it's time to clarify. What do I want to do? Who shall I be? I'm trying to define myself better, not just in relation to all of my attachments. Imagine I am the center of a bicycle wheel, and the spokes are my attachments, activities, family, etc. Well, if we remove them all, what's there? Or does that even matter? Maybe it's the spokes that define us.

First up, work. Here's the list:

What I prefer:
Social, but not too social
Compensation for work-results, not time served
Empowering other's creativity
Collaborative decisions, inclusive environment
Help/Service to others
Maybe a gathering place

What I do NOT Prefer:
Chasing people down
Pointless data collection
Sales, Hard persuasion
Reliance on the irresponsible/incompetent
Endless phone calls

How can I move from more B to more A?


staticeclecticism said...

I think the center of the wheel actually has a name, which I can not recall right now.

But seriously, on a metaphoric level it makes me wonder whether you need to re-discover the center or find new spokes. Or both.

Anonymous said...

If pay-for-work insteaed of pay-for-time is important, maybe you should become a consultant or a freelancer. of course, then you would have to sell yourself ...

Pallid said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

"...ahem, Online Journals..."


Pallid said...

K- Plus I'd need some sort of skill to freelance...

A- That one was for you!