Sunday, October 21, 2007


I believe it was on Wednesday, or maybe
it was Monday, around one o'clock.
Sitting in the grass, under a tree, waiting.
Waiting and watching the squirrels at play,
chasing each other through the trees, up, down, up,
as I try to focus on writing.

The squirrels are distracting, every time I'm there.
And yet I come, because I find
the squirrels amusing, like little children that
run around carefree, full of laughter.
In the spring, I have been told, they run rampant
on the campus, a frenzied uproar.

I glanced at my watch, at my nearly blank page.
I'd spent a whole hour watching squirrels.
I gathered my books, getting ready to go,
thinking of those carefree squirrels, playing
and I smiled, knowing they're where they want to be,
as I was, scampering off to class.

This one was for a class, I'm sure the assignment was "procrastination" as a title. I'm sure I didn't actually ever spend an hour watching those crazy rodents. One once did try to steal a sandwich from me.

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