Sunday, October 21, 2007

An Attempt to Rhyme- 3/6/95

I have here a few minutes to spare.
What shall I fill them with?
I could read a book,
write a letter,
dinner cook,
or knit a sweater.
Fly a kite, fly a plane,
or just for spite,
make it rain.
To make it rain,
watch the droplets plop
plop plop plop,
making a puddle on the ground.
plink plink plink
the falling rain's sound.
That must be why it does rain.
God never gets bored watching his creatures
open their umbrellas.

I was worse at rhyming poems than ones that just read like paragraphs. This really speaks for itself, doesn't it?


Unknown said...

you can dispense with the qualifying self-deprecation. this stuff is great!

Pallid said...

Haha I know you are lying to make me feel more confident.

Anonymous said...

Holy Mother Of God, Woman!!!!

I'm glad I stick to beer and aging rock stars on Rogaine because having read YOUR stuff I will never again attempt to "write!"

I'm so excited that you're blogging!

Blog on, on!!!!

Pallid said...

Stevie- you are so mistaken- you are beautiful and extremely talented and I only write so we can be more alike.