Wednesday, February 16, 2011

30. A picture of someone you miss

Shannon is one of my closest friends, and she moved to Ft. Lauderdale in the fall. We remain very close, but physical distance and busy schedules have not allowed us to see each other or even talk that frequently, and I miss going to Boca Fiesta with her. She, like me, is really an "in person" person, if you know what I mean, and even though we can keep up with one another online, nothing beats the real thing, with margaritas, of course.

1 comment:

shannon said...

i miss YOU, too.
it's funny; as much as i am online and share online, there is nothing like being IN PERSON with my friends.
please come to visit me soon. i miss you so much!
you and i have so much depth between us that i think that is why it is so good to just BE together.
i need a norma hug badly. you are my one and only soup fairy and i love you to pieces.
