Friday, February 11, 2011

25. A picture of your day

This is Portobello Ravioli with a pesto cream sauce, leftover from dinner last night at O!O, aka Tapas and 'Tinis, a local restaurant and bar I met an old dear friend at for dinner last night.

Leftover cream sauce does poorly being reheated in the microwave. It doesn't look so bad when you order it, a lovely white creamy delicious sauce on plump pasta. Now it's mostly oil and I get to be reminded of just how much fat is in there. It's still tasty though, so it passes as dinner.

I read In Watermelon Sugar today (while working!). It's a short novella and I can't really believe how many years it took to get to it. There was a free version online, and it was a small beautiful tale that I'm still not sure what I make of. I liked best that "iDeath" seemed to not be the town, but the central place they cooked, ate, walked, sat on couches near rivers, and hung paintings next to trees.


Sarah Eggar said...

Wish I had been meeting at O!O too!!!
That looks delicious and your company over a cocktail would be divine!

Pallid said...

Sarah my love i agree, I talked about you a lot actually because I was there - :)

I'm working on a visit soon, we can people watch in Bryant Park again (but no handsome Israelis!)...