Sunday, February 21, 2010


"Whenever there is turmoil in a relationship, I think if truth is pursued, the relationship will take it's proper form."

A dear friend said this to me the other day and it keeps turning over in my mind. We were chatting after he gave me a massage in the beautiful sunshine, a trade for my feeding him. It is a study in mutual benefit and giving we only recently got back to after quite a long time. He and I have an easy friendship that tends to come and go, but does so with ease.

If only all of my relationships could exist this way. But of course, then I would not have anything to help me appreciate this one.

Hopefully soon, the rest of mine will take their "proper forms," whatever they may be, and I will feel more ease with those I care most about.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should write more often. I love reading your blog entries. They are so insightful and though provoking. I miss you!