Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Quick lesson in manifestation

Setting: Ginnie Springs on a beautiful Saturday, getting out of cars, slathering sunscreen, etc.

Friend: You're wearing your flip flops, they might get lost...
Me: Nah, they stay on tight and I don't want to walk all the way to the river entrance barefoot... and besides, if I do lose them, it's no big deal.

Later, upon entering the river, not quite in our tubes yet, we're tying them together, making sure food bag stays dry, cooler floats, etc...

I'm walking in the water, sandals still on. The river bottom is soft quicksand-like mud, which quickly grabs one of my sandals and my foot slips out. I feel around for it, but it's gone, and I, unprepared to dive in to search for it, decide to let the river have its way and let the other one go as well.

1 comment:

staticeclecticism said...

"Forget not that the earth likes to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair."
-Kahlil Gibran