Thursday, July 2, 2009


I can sometimes be selfish, irresponsible, dishonest, cold, and even a little mean, and yet those who love me, still love me.

I resist change in myriads of ways, but I do take risks, mainly with my "heart."

My emotions are like water, they flow right around and over the haphazard walls I try to build.

I usually nurture others, and have had trouble being assertive. Apparently, this may be a recipe for co-dependence.

I don't necessarily see the truth right in front of me until much too late.

We all share a responsibility to ourselves and those around us, but no one needs to accept blame after the fact.

I may only have the present and can make choices to affect the future, but letting go of what's past remains the most difficult.

"Love" may change, but it never leaves.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write beautifully.