Monday, June 9, 2008


Mundanities can be very frustrating sometimes. In my personal quest to use less, waste less, and purchase ethically, I come to a toothpaste crossroads. I'm sure many have been in this predicament, but here it is:

I really like Tom's of Maine toothpastes, especially the no artificial flavoring and gentle taste that doesn't burn my sensitive tongue, and the mostly recyclable packaging is why I bought it in the first place. And it's a good company, giving back to their community and all that.

But, the aluminum tube packaging is fragile, and cracks open and leaks toothpaste all over my medicine cabinet and sink, and makes it hard to squeeze out, not to mention all the extra I waste. The first time, I thought it was a fluke and I'd be more careful with the next tube. Well, I was more careful, but there was even more cracking.

So, what's the environmentally conscious girl to do?

Try a different brand, right? Not so simple...

First of all, I haven't made up my mind about the fluoride debate. Do I need it in the toothpaste? Maybe not, but since I got braces, I don't think I should risk it just yet. I do not want little cavities forming just under the cement, you know? So that limits my "natural and environmentally friendly" choices a whole heck of a lot right there.

Second of all...Is it too much to ask for there to be more than one company represented in this regard (natural and fluoridated) right here in a local store? Why do I need to go to 3 places (Target- Tom's only territory, of course, Ward's, AND Fresh Market- which I thought would have toothpaste, but doesn't?) only to come up TP free? Now I have to go to Mother Earth, which is fine, but intimidates me. Makes me feel not earthy-crunchy enough.

The only other option I did find was Raspberry-mint flavored. Who wants raspberry toothpaste? Orange? Okay, sure, no worries about drinking juice right after. Lemon? Why not, it's refreshing. Anise, licorice, cinnamon? YES, all lovely herbal clean feeling flavors! But Raspberry? Eww! And I like the berries, really I do, but in toothpaste? It's like brushing with Koolaid.

So, you see what trivial choices occupy huge swaths of my time?


Anonymous said...

I'll see your not "earthy crunchy enough" (I LOVE that line! Can I borrow it?) and make you feel way, way better.

Not only do I not use eco-friendly toothpaste–I use the super whitening $8 stuff that I could probably clean my oven with.

I actually pay twice as much to cause sizzling welts on my gums because when I was 11 some jerk convinced me girls have to have frighteningly white teeth.

Feel better about the leakage?

(And really, who else could I say that to?)

Pallid said...

The toothpaste I ended up buying today cost $8 and it taste like ocean water. Gross!

Yes you can borrow the line, but I admit I stole it from someone else - I can't even recall who.

Oh,and I think your teeth are plenty white! You've got a BEAUTIFUL smile!

Anonymous said...

I personally swoon for Nature's Gate Anise flavored toothpaste. No flouride, but my friend who's uncle is a dentist says that anise is better because fluoride toothpaste doesn't really strengthen your teeth but anise is a natural anti-bacterial agent - plus, Nature's Gate has stuff to whiten your teeth AND strengthen your enamel (vitamin c and calcium) so you're more resistant to cavities anyway.

This is my plug.


Pallid said...

I know - and I LOVE your anise tp too, but I'm afraid to go off fluoride until the braces come off, mainly because when I asked my dentist about fluoride vs. not, she said for adults who brush well, it isn't really necessary, but with the braces she would be concerned because there are spots I just can't clean that well...