Thursday, September 23, 2010

Hand Towels

I have this thing about them. They have to be folded in half, with the tag to the inside and draped over the bar with the tag in the back and the "fold" toward the center, so that the two identical towels are symmetrical and neat in appearance.

I don't make my bed daily or mop my floors, well, ever. But the towels must stay perfect.

No one else who visits my bathroom notices they are this way, and I quietly fix them each time someone has used them and draped them back incorrectly. I needn't worry others with this small anal idiosyncrasy of mine.

I recall one of the first times an important character in my life came to my house. He commented that it was nice we had hand towels, that it's a small detail that he appreciates that often people miss. I think it's nice to have a place to dry your hands that doesn't seem to be someone's used bath towel.

Connect the dots, la la la la

I had a dream last night that I was in some sort of hospital lobby or some institutional type of place, it was in another city...maybe Orlando? While there, I ran into Karen Rausch, a friend from high school who I was always fond of. In the dream, I was so excited to see her (in reality, we lost touch after college, and she isn't even on facebook), gave her huge hug, and then she went back to work (she worked wherever I was - they were all wearing blue). Then I mistook someone else for her, talked to this other woman in blue who resembled Karen, and exchanged numbers with her before realizing it wasn't Karen. Then Karen found me again, and we exchanged emails. Later I got an email from her saying "the coke broke me up" I'm sure you could tell by my teeth (?) the dream I recall thinking how I hadn't noticed and never suspected she'd done drugs, and that I should tell Eric, a mutual friend of ours in college, that I ran into her...

Karen was in chorus with me, had perfect pitch and a beautiful voice, and I haven't thought of her in years. Why now, or is her character in my dream something else? What is it telling me? Hmmm?